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What We Do

Executive Search

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Middle Management Search

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Tests & Assessments

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Background Checks

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Executive Search

Executive transitions are pivot points; the right leader can dramatically alter the trajectory of an organization. With the stakes so high, is never enough to only identify someone with the right experience. The right candidate must also have the ability to fit the culture and the influence to rally the business around their vision. At Stellar Hunters, we realize this fact; so we strive to understand the work cultures of our clients’ companies and find leaders who can truly transform those businesses. Our relationship-based approach lets us execute a search with uncommon speed, sophistication and precision to provide our clients with people who can deliver!

“We constantly evolve so we can provide our clients with optimal services”

Middle Management Search

Middle managers are the "ears and eyes" of upper management because they are closer to day-to-day operations, customers and front-line employees. Those managers are essential conduits for upper management, delivering information about organizational change initiatives and strategies to those in lower levels of the organization. Through our superior assessments and proprietary sourcing methodologies, we help our clients in finding those “heroes” by shrinking the haystack and find the right match.

“We help our clients change the world”

Tests & Assessments

As part of our process for quality assurance, all shortlisted candidates are assessed and tested.

  • Personality Assessment
  • Psychometric Assessment
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Aptitude Test
  • Technology Tests (Excel, Designing Software, etc.)
  • Function-specific Tests (HR, IT, Finance, Accounting, etc.)

“We identify top talent for our clients that other recruiters miss”

Background Checks

We conduct internal Background Checks for all shortlisted candidates, and we also partnered with a leading expert entity to perform comprehensive screenings on selected candidates. The aim is to:

  • Provide protection for our clients’ reputation, assets and employees.
  • Verify the accuracy of information provided by candidates during the hiring process.
  • Assess the suitability of candidates to work in certain sensitive environment.
  • Mitigate potential risks of hiring individuals with criminal or unsuitable backgrounds.

“Great Companies Need Great People. That's Where We Come In”

Identity Verification

Address Verification

Previous Employment Verification

Education & Credentials Verification

Social Media Check

Credit & Financial History

Local & International Criminal Records

Ad Hoc Checks

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